As always, I have to start out with pictures of our little sweetie. She is growing so fast and becoming so much fun. She loves to giggle and smile and is such a joy... most days. :) She's been teething and has four teeth through now and more on the way. She doesn't like to lay on her back any more and although she isn't crawling yet, she's getting closer and closer. Scotting around in the walker is probably her favorite thing. She follows wherever I go and has discovered the garbage can. Yes, baby proofing is underway but meanwhile she has managed to grab two things out of the trash can and almost tip it over a number of times. It is now in a different place that she can't get to. Yet.
But I love her smile. I love her giggle and I love her baby feet.

Bath time has become fun. And it's become our ritual to have supper and then go directly to the tub while daddy puts everything away and clears the table. Which works well for both of us. I'd rather give Abbie a bath than clean up the mess I made making supper!

I do way too much baking... but I can't help it! I love to cook and bake and see if I can't replicate something from some restaurant at home for way less. So one of those things lately was Max & Erma's cookies. And I followed the recipe the first time and it was perfect - Derrick really liked them and so did I. The next time I tried them with some whole wheat and they were good and the third time I didn't melt and then cool the butter and I used more whole wheat so they didn't quite turn out. I think the problem was the butter so I'm waiting to try them again when I can melt and then cool the butter.... I hate to wait, though. I want cookies NOW! I have a serious problem when it comes to cookies. And fresh baked ones right out of the oven with a glass of milk... mmmm! mmmm!

And then we had the Hoines reunion, which was nice. Hank and Ardell are just the sweetest couple and are so fun to visit with.

And I got a break while Evelyn held a sleeping baby.... it's just as sweet to see her in somebody else's arms while she sleeps.

And the month ended with a newborn shoot. No, not mine, but a friend of mine is a photographer and invited Abbie and I over while she took photos of this little girl and I remembered how tiny Abbie was when she was born. This little girl was slightly larger than Abbie was at birth, but still pretty close. So precious.