I have decided that I officially do NOT like calving season. Yes, the calves are so cute and they are definitely fun to watch as they run and kick back their heels and have a good ol' time. Yes, calving season means spring and longer days and sunshine and warm weather. It means grilling season is back. But it also means not seeing my husband very much. And I miss him. A lot. I got used to being with him the majority of the time and now that he has to be out there with the cows and fencing and everything else, I kind of wish he did have a regular M-F/8-5 job. But only for selfish reasons. Because I know he loves doing what he does and I love him for that. I love the fact that I married a farmer and I respect him for what he does. I just wish the cows had a more regular schedule for calving and that there wasn't so much work involved with it - maybe that it was spaced out throughout the year a little more. That's not asking too much, is it? I mean, really. lol
So, instead Abbie and I sit at home. Today was actually a nice day but I wasn't feeling so great so we just stayed home and didn't even go for a walk. Although we did go outside to clean the grass from debris to get ready for the first mowing of the year. And I did grill pork loin steaks.
Yesterday, I had my first maternity photo shoot and it was fun! I wish the weather had cooperated and we would have been able to go outside, but it was all indoor shots and I got a couple of decent ones. I'm not done editing but here is a sample. I want to do more. I need the practice. Really bad. lol

Abbie is getting so great at sitting up! I can't believe how quickly she caught on to it and while she still isn't completely stable, she is getting much stronger every day.

A few weeks ago, I was notified that I had won a giveaway for a lillebaby everywhere carrier and it came in the mail late last week. So, this past weekend I got to test it out and it's definitely not as comfy as the moby wrap, but the thing it does have going for it is that it is a lot cooler to wear than the Moby. So I'll do some more testing and see which is my favorite. I DO like the pocket on the front of the lillebaby as well as the little "rain" hood (which I did use since it rained some yesterday). But I forgot to have Derrick take a picture of Abbie and I while she was in it. I need to do that more often since there are so very few pictures of Abbie and I.