We were in Eden for the fourth and had a blast. Lots of good food and visiting.

Eli plays hide and seek in the cupboard. He can actually fit in it and close the door and everything!

Abbie has two dolls to play with and is trying to figure them out...

Abbie teaching daddy some dance moves...

And playing outside while daddy grills supper...

Oh, so serious...

But now we're happy...

Mealtime has been fun and we've experimented with lots of things. Peas. She can get them to her mouth, although they mostly end up on the floor.


And corn on the cob was a huge success....

Ok, so maybe we just handed her one that we had already eaten. Makes for a great photo, though! :)
And a sign that our little girl really is growing up. Teeth marks on the top rail of the crib. Yes, she has learned to pull herself up to a standing position and chew on the crib. I tell her no, she stops and then she looks at me and smiles. She smiles that cute little grin, like she knows I'm not really serious because she knows that I know that she is too cute for me to really mean no. But I do. And we deterred her a little bit when Derrick moved the mattress down one level. It's tougher for her to get to a standing position but she still does it. I was just so worried that she'd pull herself up and fall out of the crib. Now she can't fall out but she is learning to pull herself up even though it's lower.

She also likes to play peek-a-boo now and I love her little giggle when she really gets going!

GREAT pics