Awhile back, I'd asked Derrick if we could go somewhere. Just the two of us. And leave Abbie overnight, for the first time, with someone else. Not only did he fulfill my request, but he did even better than what I'd asked for. I'd asked for one night away, possibly around Sioux Falls in a bed and breakfast or something like that. Instead, he took me out to Rapid for two nights. We left Abbie with Mark, Megan and Clara and although it was my first time away from Abbie for that long of a time period, it was great! Was I glad to get home to her at the end? Yes, I definitely missed her. But it was sooo good to get away and just relax and not have to worry about changing diapers or if she's been in the car seat too long or did I bring enough snacks and milk? I told Derrick afterward that I think we should make that an annual tradition - for him and I to go somewhere in January or February by ourselves. And here is some of the evidence of our trip:
There was some snow out there, but otherwise the farther west we drove the less snow there was. I felt pretty silly sometimes because I'd only taken my snowboots with me. lol
For only being a two day trip, we made the most of it and got to see everything we wanted to. Custer State Park, Rapid, Spearfish, Deadwood and all the scenery in between. It was great! I only asked that next time we go out that way, I not be pregnant. Seriously - the only two times I've been out there I've been pregnant. lol
The interesting thing this trip was how much more wildlife we got to see just driving around.
We even spotted bigfoot and he posed for a quick pic....
With a new baby almost here, it's been nice to have a child who will sit and just read.
I got these books on how to incorporate vegetable purees into regular foods kids will eat. And while it was a lot of work, especially at 9 months pregnant, to get all of the puree cooked, packaged and frozen, it's been worth it for the few things I've tried so far.
First, it was cauliflower puree mixed into garlic mashed potatoes and Derrick couldn't tell it was in there. Next I tried squash mixed in with boxed mac and cheese but it was pretty sweet so it was a noticeable difference. I would try something different next time for that one. But then I tried broccoli and sweet potato purees mixed into homemade tomato soup (I never buy canned tomato soup anymore) and it was absolutely delicious and you couldn't tell any difference in taste. The next thing I want to try are these beet pancakes. We'll see how it goes! :)
Well, as the title says, babymoon is plural. (Not sure it really counts as a babymoon, since we already have one child, but I think it's such a weird term, I just wanted to use it anyway.) I got a second opportunity to have a night away before baby #2 arrives. Derrick took me to Sioux Falls overnight and although we didn't really do any shopping, we did get to eat out and go to a movie and go to the Sertoma Butterfly house, which was pretty cool. We both thought that Abbie would enjoy it, even at this age, so we'll definitely go back sometime. When we first walked into the garden area with the butterflies, it was like we were transported to some other climate. Even though it was warm that day and we didn't need jackets outdoors, it was still cool to go from winter to tropical rainforest.
One of them even landed on Derrick!
The place also had a small collection of fish; the display was still under construction, but it was neat to see what they've started with.
And finally, a random picture to end with, since it's snowing again today. Although this is a picture from the blizzard we had not too long ago.... worst weather I've seen since I moved up here almost 9 years ago. Glad baby boy didn't decide to make his appearance during this!