There are only 4-1/2 weeks left. And I'm getting nervous. But also anxious. I'm so ready to be done with being pregnant and all the backaches and heartburn and the pressure on my ribs. Seriously - this kid found my ribs and will not let off. lol But yet, I know that once he's here, I can't put him back and that things are going to change. It'll be different at first, but I'm excited to see how Abbie responds to a baby at home, full time. She spots them all the time - at the Doctor's office, in books, grocery shopping and even her own little baby doll; the first toy we actually bought her (as shown in the above picture with the hat Erin made)

We don't have a name picked out yet. We don't even really have it narrowed down yet. How do you name someone you haven't met yet? But there are other people that have names picked out by the time they find out if it's a boy or girl. It's a big decision. This little person is going to have that name the rest of their life, you want to make sure it's the right name. Right?
This pregnancy has gone so much smoother than my first and I'm continuing to hope that I'll get a VBAC. The doctor says I have a 90% chance of it right now, barring any complications. I can't believe how fast the time goes by.... seems like it wasn't that long ago that we found out Abbie was on the way and now we are so close to having our second baby. Wow.
I wanted to have maternity photos this time around, but I've gained enough weight with this pregnancy that I'm not too keen on that idea anymore. lol So the ones I took in the mirror of myself will have to do. :)

Abbie is still hooked on books. So much so, that she has to sometimes take one with just to have her diaper changed. And one time, when she was dirty and I was afraid of getting the book dirty, too, I took the book away from her just to change her.... she about threw a fit. I think it's great, though, and I am so glad that she is content to sit and read books with me as much as she does. I just don't have enough energy to run around all day with her so sitting and reading is a great thing for us. But sometimes, we turn the music up and we dance. And that's fun. She instantly smiles when the music comes on. And for now, we're overlooking the fact that she currently has her mom's rhythm, or lack thereof. lol

She has the phone mastered. And when daddy is on the phone, we put it on speakerphone so she can hear him and talk back to him. Then she does this thing that is so cute - she puts her nose down to the phone like she's hugging/kissing daddy. One time, I forgot to let her talk to him before we hung up, and as soon as I had hung up, she looked at me and said daddy and put her ear to the phone to see if he was still there. I felt so bad!
I think she is going to be a big help to daddy on the farm.... these pails are ice cream pails filled with homemade wipes, so they still had some weight to them!

The other night I was baking and I'd left the "pantry" door (isn't pantry such a luxurious word? I just love it! Despite the fact that we live in a 530 sq. ft. apartment, we have a pantry. Ok, so maybe it's supposed to be a linen closet, but it works great as a pantry.) open and Abbie decided to help herself...

So, once that mess was cleaned up, she wanted to help me measure out the cinnamon for caramel rolls....

and you can't tell by the picture, but that also turned out to be a messy endeavor...

I've discovered chocolate pudding made with avocado instead of milk and Abbie loves it!

This time, I let her clean up the spatula, which she thought was great fun.

And while we've been so busy the past couple months, those are the highlights of what we've been doing. Notice how a lot of it revolves around food? :) Now if only there was some magical fairy that came every night to clean up the kitchen so I could just cook and bake and not have to do any clean up. Yeah, I'll wake up from my dream now. Goodnight!
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