This post we get to celebrate Father's and in particular, the father of my beautiful little girl. But first, I have to share that we got a high chair. Finally. We had been using a little booster seat type of high chair, which worked, but I was afraid that once she gets a little bigger, she will tip it over off the chair. So, we took that to Grandpa and Grandma Fox's house to use there (they have chairs that have arms on them, where I'm not so afraid of her tipping the seat over). We found the high chair for $10 at a yard sale. Woohoo! That's my kind of price range. It's wooden, which I wanted, but it's been painted white. So, it's not exactly what I wanted, but it's pretty close. And I really like it. And we use it a LOT. Seriously, when I go in the kitchen to bake, cook or wash dishes (which, by the way, needs to be done... again. Why don't dishes wash themselves? I love to cook and bake but hate the clean-up process afterwards), I put her in her little white high chair and go to it. I'll give her some toys, or daddy's spare watch or measuring spoons to play with and it usually keeps her busy long enough so that I can finish.... but not always.

And daddy has been feeding her in it, too, which I love to watch. He gets such a kick out of feeding her and it just warms my heart when she makes him smile or vice versa. We have now tried sweet potatoes, avocado (which didn't agree with her stomach), bananas and peas. I think carrots are next on the menu. Maybe only because that's what I want. lol

This past week we went to Wylie Park and mini-golfed. It was Derrick's first attempt and while I beat him by a mile the first time around, the second time he caught up and I only beat him by 1 shot. So... next time I'm sure he'll blow me in the water, which is why I'm enjoying my hard-earned winning bliss. Because, after all, I even shot a couple holes while holding a baby and still beat him. hehe

On the way home we took a detour and drove by the wind towers that went up recently in our area. They are huge, but we still can't quite get just how huge. I'd love to stand directly underneath one to get a real comparison and idea just how big they are.

My sister had an idea for Father's Day to get updated pictures of us three girls together and also of his two grandkids as a gift to our dad. So these are the result of her idea, which he loved.

We also took this shot of my Grandma Steiner (Great-Grandma to the two little ones in the picture with her):

And a couple random pictures from that day at the park:

Father's Day came and it was a great day! We spent it with family but first we had our own little celebration at home for Derrick and he loved the book I made for him (it's kind of for him to read to Abbie, but it's mainly a photo book).

Then we went to Eden and visited Grandpa Steiner (Great-Grandpa to Abbie).

And then it was Grandpa Dempsey (Great-Grandpa to Abbie).

And although I somehow managed to forget to take one of my dad with Abbie, I do have an older one of them together (from the last post).

And of course, my mom with Abbie.

And my adorable and rambunctious nephew, Elijah.

And my dad took this last pictures, which concluded our visit to Eden. Thanks, dad!!

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